We are startUpShiksha. We Help Entrepreneurs Build Their Dreams.
We are startUpShiksha. We Help Entrepreneurs To Build Their Dreams.
We all know fact starting new things is always difficult , but if you all go depth of fact. 2 thing is most important for startup journey 1 you have believe in your self and 2. you have team and planed strure team with you. we belive you have self belive system in yourself that why you are able to start your start up but now you need your creative startup a team and structured stregy to implismish of your plan. so their our rule come we provide you different plan strgy and team to you so that your plan will be implimtion on ground.
Startup Shiksha is a service-provider that provides, business, management, marketing, finance services and links startups to the digital world. We connect supply directly with demand, cutting all the hassles in between. Startupshik is powerd by startup bazar for evovpeing market for startups and MSME